Describe your image

Describe your image

Describe your image

Describe your image
Hi I'm Madeline
I am 8 years old and I live in Yamhill, Oregon. I love living in this town. It’s surrounded by beautiful things like farms, rivers, mountains, and really nice people.
Yamhill is a small town so we have to drive around a lot to get the things we need. We have to drive all the way to McMinnville or Newberg to go to the library! It feels like the loooongest drive ever sometimes!
Did you know that a long time ago, downtown Yamhill had a library that kids could walk to? I want to bring that back.
My dream is to have a children’s library downtown so that kids like me can just skip down the street to grab a good book.
My parents helped me put this website together so I could help kids get books more easily.
Please check out my book review videos and join the Read-A-Thon challenge to help me raise money for the Yamhill library.
You can even win prizes if you meet your reading goal! How cool is that! Also, my little library box in front of my house will have free books for you to take home and give to a friend once you’re done reading it!
Happy Reading and don’t forget to eat cheese!
Some other fund things about me…
I love to laugh and play with friends, play the piano, swim, tap & ballet dance and ride my mountain bike in the dirt.
I have one cat, one dog, and one beta fish named Professor Higgins.
Favorite Singer-Elton John.
Favorite Artist- Freda Kahlo.
Favorite Subject in School-Math.
Favorite Book- Ramona The Pest.
Favorite Food- Cheese & Spanish Sardines of course!
Madeline's Library fosters a love for reading with an emphasis on spreading literacy awareness while making books accessible to the downtown Yamhill community.

Accessibility to books.

Fostering a love
of reading.

Spread literacy awareness.

"The more that you
read, the more things you will know.
The more that you learn, the more
places you'll go."
- Dr. Sesus
Calling all kids!

Stop by my little library box downtown Yamhill and pick up a free book to keep or borrow. The top shelf of my library box features a free copy of the book that I have most recently reviewed! You can watch my latest book review video on this website under the “book review” button.
I’ve selected these books as some of my favorites that I want to share with as many kids as possible. Take one for free, it’s yours to keep forever or toss it to a friend that you think will enjoy it as well. The bottom shelf of my library box includes books to borrow. Just like the big libraries, you can select a book that interests you and return it to my little library box once you’ve finished it. I try to feature a variety of books, from graphic comics like “Diary of a Wimpy Kid,” “Junie B Jones” for beginning readers to Beverly Cleary books for bigger readers.
Please enjoy and remember to treat them carefully, books are the best so please try not to rip any pages or write in them.
Thank you and happy reading!